As part of our ongoing technician training program, our training department has developed a technical skills test. This is to validate the effectiveness of our training program as well as the technicians’ retention of the proper assembly methodology.
At SRC, we are a big believer in the power of incentives. As such, we have developed a contest to award our top technician. Over the course of the next several months, there is a battery of training and testing to help identify our top tech. The winner will receive a check for $5000 as well as the parking spot of their choice for 2023.
For the first round of testing, we asked 57 questions such as:
True / False: For press fit of a bearing, press the inner race of the shaft side and the outer race of the hole side.
What is the measurement shown on the dial indicator below?

In the first round, the department with the highest overall average score received $100 for each team member. The winner of each department and all perfect scores received $500 and a steak lunch at Malone’s.
The department scores and winners are as follow:
Engines (93% average) and the top department winner – $100 to each member
- Top score Michael Shouse, 100% – $500 winner
Machine shop (92% average)
- Top score Josh Bunch, 98% – $500 winner
Hydraulics (92% average)
- Victor Rodriguez, 100% – $500 winner
- Noah Rockvoan, 100% – $500 winner
Powertrain (90% average)
- Jason Fitzpatrick, 98% – $500 winner
Small Components (90% average)
- Damian Miller, 95% – $500 winner
Cylinder Heads
- Michael Rines, 100% – $500 winner

There will be another round of testing later in the year to name the top tech! Stay tuned for updates!